The GroupWise inner-office e-mail and instant messenger clients are secure and safe from intrusion. When you use either the GroupWise e-mail client or the instant message client, your information is sent encrypted back to our servers. This is not true of most Internet mail systems. Internet e-mail by definition is clear text and cannot be sent encrypted to ensure compatibility with other e-mail systems. With most other out-sourced e-mail solutions, even e-mail sent to a co-worker in the next office is transmitted unsecured. This means if you have important or sensitive information you could be compromised with a simple e-mail.
Shareable Calendar
Since you are connected to a collaborative hosting system, you will have the ability to share your calendar with your co-workers, assistant, or anyone else in your company. This allows you to view and edit a shared calendar without giving or receiving private passwords, which should never be shared.
Remote Access
You will never be without that key piece of information again. With GroupWise Remote Access, you have access to your e-mail, contacts, and calendar directly from any web browser on any computer with Internet access. Your vital information is always at your fingertips without having to install any software.
Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam
Your email is protected from both virus and spam e-mail, to make your business day more productive and safer for your computer.
Synchronization with Smart Phones and Blackberry Devices
With the ever-more mobile workforce, accessing your e-mail up to the minute from anywhere is becoming vital to keeping your competitive edge.